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  • 27
  • December
  • 2018

What does it mean to believe in sustainable printing?

Published by Mireia in Impresión
Sustainable printing

2018 has been a year to go one step further. From words to deeds. To believe in sustainable printing to make it a reality in each of our projects. We know that it is not only up to us to improve the world but, first of all, we still have time to do it, secondly, if we put our part that is just doing more than anything.

At Pressing we care about the environment and we are convinced that our role has to be alined with improving our planet and making it more sustainable. Everything is within our reach to achieve it. Good environmental practices are not an option, so sustainability has become a priority for companies like ours, where technology is very present. In fact, the term Green IT reflects this scenario.

Companies no longer ignore the issues of pollution and waste emission. There is a lot in the game and not just what your customers think. Therefore, the reduction of energy consumption, the use of materials and the possibility of reusing components have reconfigured the DNA of companies.

And it is that you have demonstrated with great grace that technological progress is not incompatible with environmental sensitivity. The printing sector in which we belong proves it day by day. We also. That is why we offer our clients the highest level of quality, taking care of all the details, leaving nothing to chance, and controlling all aspects of the process.

Sustainable printing in 4 examples


In Presing we are not heading towards a sustainable impression because sustainability is one of our values ​​and we demonstrate it through:

  • Latex inks that are totally innocuous for the environment.
  • Recycled papers: all our equipment can print on recycled paper.
  • Chlorine-free papers that avoid the agents of bleaching to give the paper to the white color that has as consequence the spillage of polluting elements in the environment.
  • Paper certified by the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council): the body in charge of certifying the origin of our paper in the forests that will be replanted and cultivated in a sustainable manner.

We have never stopped growing or innovating, incorporating the latest technologies to offer our customers the best printing and finishing options on the market. And everything, without forgetting that we only have one planet and it is the mission of all, to take care of it as it deserves. Are you on board?

Categories: Impresión
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