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Printing with white ink

Published by Mireia in Impresión
White ink printing

Not only is it a trend in this sector. It is also one of the things that most people ask us. Printing with white ink will make your project stand out much more. If you stay with us, we tell you how we do it.

White ink is a novelty in the world of digital printing that paints endless possibilities in your projects. Before, you could only print with white ink using fully analog processes such as screen printing. It was complex, since the use of photolites and plates was required. Fortunately, thanks to our digital technology, we can now print in white ink on both small format and large format prints.

At Pressing we have different technologies that allow us to use white ink as a base in supports and objects that are not white, such as colored cards. Thus, we can also print jobs in transparent support, and print white as a direct color.

Depending on the result you are looking for, you can choose white ink to complement other colors. In this case, it will delimit the outline of the images, offering a clearer printing result. Due to the opacity of white ink, it is also ideal for enhancing the colors printed in CMYK. In addition, white contrasts more than CMYK inks on dark or colored media.

In what materials can we apply white ink?

We not only print directly on foam, polyester or metallic papers, corrugated cardboard, adhesives or transparent films. We also do it on other materials such as wood, glass, methacrylate, and any other that presents a minimally smooth surface.

3 advantages of printing with white ink


  • It enhances the image much more. When you use this technique on color images, the visual impact is greater and it is impossible to go unnoticed.
  • Versatility. Since the printing with white ink began to be used, it has been demonstrated that any type of support is capable of becoming the ideal for the application of white ink.
  • Ideal for commercial purposes. If you are looking to impress your clients or the general public, do not hesitate to consider this option. We can advise you some ideas to apply it in your projects and make them unique.
Categories: Impresión
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