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  • 17
  • September
  • 2018

Pressing, your digital press in Barcelona for the new school year

Published by Mireia in Impresión


Pressing, your digital press in Barcelona for the new school year


In the mug that you take every morning to enjoy the first coffee of the day. On the vinyl of the door of your new workshop where you start a new professional career. In the custom paper bags that you will deliver to your clients at your next event. And even in the wedding invitation to share with your people the “yes I want” more special you'll never say. We are wherever you want. We want to be with you.


Since 1997 our commitment has been none other than accompanying you. In your day to day, in your work, in your most personal projects, in your free time ... When you have an idea, we have an opportunity to make it a reality. This is how all the stories we have been writing or, better said, printing, start from Pressing. That's why we are the largest digital press in Barcelona. Because there is always time and desire for one more project: yours.


If you know us, we hope you have discovered that our added value is the possibility of making short, personalized runs, with exclusive finishes thanks to our constant commitment to technological innovation. If you have never done any work with us, maybe now is the time as the new school year begins.


We are sure you have many challenges in mind and you have come back from the holidays convinced that you are going to achieve them. We also have one: to see each other more times, even online and here. That's why we return with our blog, which is also yours. Feel at home already.



Because here we will tell you about our brand news, launches and many other curiosities. You will be the first to know all the details. We also want to bring to light some of the projects that most excite us while we carry them out and share the trends of the sector, so that you do not lack inspiration when you are thinking about how you want your next product to be. And to achieve this, by the way, you will have advantages such as:


  1. Teamworks: it is the best tool for managing printing and packaging projects. It allows simultaneous work and real-time communication between the professionals involved in the project.
  2. «Web to print»: is a web tool that allows you to edit, customize and approve, from any computer, your graphic works. You can customize and approve online from any computer with an Internet connection.


In addition, in Pressing we take care of the environment. From our team we want to contribute to improve our planet and make it more sustainable by observing good environmental practices and helping our clients to do so. For this reason, we offer:


  • Latex inks: that are totally innocuous for the environment.
  • Recycled papers: all our equipment can print on recycled paper.
  • Chlorine-free papers: they avoid the bleaching agents to give the paper the white color that results in the discharge of pollutants into the environment.
  • Paper certified by the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council): the body in charge of certifying that the origin of our paper comes from forests that will be replanted and cultivated in a sustainable manner.


Business cards, A4 folders, flyers, paper bags, cards, stickers and many other products you can customize and print to have a unique and exclusive version.


The digital press in Barcelona with integral service


If we take care of everything, it is because we think that it is easier and more comfortable for you. A complete human team will offer you the best solutions for your project, however complex it may be.


Everything, in order to continue fulfilling our motto:if you can imagine it, we can print it!


We’ll wait for you every week on our blog. See you soon!


Categories: Impresión
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