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  • 1
  • April
  • 2019

Put a roll up in your business

Published by Mireia in Impresión

Put a roll up in your business

Still do not know the advantages of a roll up? Only if it is so, we understand that you have not designed for your project. This article could make you change your mind. As soon as you discover all its functionalities, it can also accumulate in your business.

The roll up is still one of the most outstanding pieces for offline promotion. What is the type of advertising in format? We do not exaggerate but better, we tell you with the precision of your strengths.

• To begin with, its reason for being. With a roll up you can communicate the message you want: from a small great idea to a new product that you have launched on the market. You just have to find the ideal, most striking and original way to design between the eyes.


• We continue talking about their transport and we can only think of one word: easy. Moving a roll up from here to there is tremendously simple. How it can be rolled and unrolled, allows you to store it in a vehicle or even carry it out manually to the place where you want to install it. Normally, its weight ranges between three or four kilograms.


• Easy also results in its mounting. You do not need instructions or be an expert to install your roll up. Things, the simpler, the better, do not you think?


• Another of its advantages is the adaptability to any physical space. It does not matter what scenario you have in mind. Sure you can fit your roll up somewhere. For that reason, one day today, we have already lived in a multitude of events: sports, conferences, congresses, fairs, inaugurations ...


The resistance is one more reason to trust this medium when communicating an idea or making your brand known. Its material, the canvas, not only allows to reflect the graphics in high image quality, it is also apt to extend its life in more than one occasion.


Pressing roll ups are in different sizes. You just have to tell us which model you want, when you need it and the quantity.

To mount a roll up, you will need an structure but if you already have it, you can change the impression of your roll up as many times as you want without buying another structure. The truth is that when you discover these advantages yourself, you will always keep this piece in mind and design more than one.


If you are about to design your roll up

Remember that less is more. Do not occupy all the space or load it with many graphic elements, because that will make it difficult to assimilate all the information. Better that they be few, but well structured. Choose high quality, attractive and original images. Your logo deserves a special place and a size that can be seen with the naked eye, even from a distance. And finally, do not forget to reflect the most basic information as well as your contact information, at the bottom, better. For example, create short and powerful sentences. These are just some tips. The roll up design only depends on you.

Are the roll up versatile?

We could not forget another of the great advantages. So far we have linked the roll up to the business world but the truth is that more and more are seen in other scenarios such as birthdays or weddings, to illustrate the date of the event or the star menu. Creativity is always welcome in Pressing so you just have to tell us how you imagine your roll up and we will make it come true.

And to achieve this, as always, we will combine a quality impression with an efficient and fast service.

Categories: Impresión
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