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  • 26
  • November
  • 2019

Ultra Custom Merchandising latest trend in Branding

Published by Mireia in Impresión, Trabajos realizados

Today we want to talk about the importance of personalized merchandising and its direct impact on the development of company Branding.

At Pressing we went, collaborating with the Aktiva Design agency, in the Beauty Trends Summit 2019 event. Aktiva Design is an agency specialized in packaging design for the beauty sector and has the same principles of innovation and technology as Pressing.

Beauty Trends Summit 2019 is an international event where the progress of the beauty industry sector is analyzed in depth from a technological point of view.

He participated in the event to show visitors the power of ultra merchandising customization in favor of a completely personalized experience for our customers.

Far away is the ecosystem in which the center of the sales process was the product itself, at present the center is always the same, the customer. Thanks to HP SmartStream Mosaic technology, software that provides customers with a unique and original piece, the customer is at the center.

Each design generated is exclusive and fully customized, thus saving time and facilitating the work of designers. With infinite graphic possibilities, the Mosaic model allows us to demonstrate that the appeal is in the design. The use of this tool is perfect for limited or special editions, since the digital printer specializes in short runs.

The importance of ultra-personalized merchandising

So why do we say that ultra-personalized merchandising is very important in the beauty sector?

For the visibility and personalization of the experience it provides.

Merchandising are all those techniques that are applied in the sales process to motivate the act of purchase. This commercial technique helps us transmit the values ​​and create a more complete image of the brand.

A successful merchandising increases sales and also creates a positive memory in the mind of the consumer. The importance of knowing how to use this technique well lies in the ability to capture and attract the user.

In the beauty sector, merchandising acquires special relevance. The appearance, design and details are truly important to convey the essence of the brand, as well as its appeal: you must invite the purchase. Designing the merchandising aspects in a detailed and homogeneous way will create a much more efficient and authentic image of your brand and will create a strong and lasting personality.

In Pressing we give special relevance to an ultra-personalized merchandising to be able to show what really matters about our essence.

The participation in the Beauty Trends Summit 2019 allowed us to position ourselves in the sector in an authentic and detailed way. Once again we have managed to show our vocation for innovation and technology and we are motivated to continue advancing and growing in the sector.

If you want your products to create a trend and launch the Branding of your company where it really deserves to be, do not hesitate, HP SmartStream Mosaic with Pressing is the solution, click here to learn more.

Merchandising personalizado
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