Business hours: Monday to Friday from 9:00h to 14:00h and from 16:00h to 19:00
  • 17
  • June
  • 2019


Published by Mireia in Impresión

Bizbarcelona is the trade show where you can start or grow your business, oriented towards innovation, entrepreneurship, networking and training. In it you will find a wide range of contents, activities and exhibitors related to entrepreneurship, start-ups, SMEs and freelancers.


It takes place in Barcelona from June 13th to 19th at the Fira Montjuïc (Avenida de la Reina María Cristina s/n).

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  • 16
  • June
  • 2019

Barcelona Trade Shows

Published by Mireia in Impresión
Barcelona Trade Shows

The Ciudad Condal hosts more than 120 trade shows and congresses every year and is positioned as one of the European cities best prepared to host events in all sectors: technology, medicine, innovation, tourism, etc.


It has a complete infrastructure around these events to meet the needs of visitors: hotels, restaurants, transportation services and travel agencies are put at the service of attendees.

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  • 4
  • April
  • 2019

The invention of the printing press, more present than ever

Published by Mireia in Impresión
The invention of the printing press, more present than ever

Today we want to make a trip in time. Specifically, to the year 1455, when the invention of the printing press was marked before and after.

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  • 3
  • April
  • 2019

How to use quality printing to improve your brand

Published by Mireia in Impresión
How to use quality printing to improve your brand

If there is someone you should not lose sight of in your team, it's the design. Yes, we refer to him as if he were a protagonist of your day to day life. In this article we tell you why he is the silent ambassador of your brand and how you can take it to another level thanks to the quality impression.

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  • 1
  • April
  • 2019

Decorate with corporeal letters: why do you like it so much?

Published by Mireia in Impresión
Decorate with corporeal letters: why do you like it so much?

The name of a little one who is about to reach the family, a positive message in a corner or a few words that love the meaning we have for you. Decorating with small texts is one of the trends that makes us feel better. And besides, it's easy to get it, more than you think. You just have to be clear about what words your allies are because we take care of ourselves. Today we tell you what the corporal letters are so that you fill your house with magic.

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