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  • 10
  • February
  • 2019

Have you chosen the perfect typography for your brand?

Published by Mireia in Impresión

Tell me which typography you choose and I will tell you how you are. In today's article, we are going to focus on an art that does not understand boundaries: typography. Before sending your brochures or cards to print, think about the typeface that best defines your brand. If you are convinced that yes, right now we print your project, but if you do not, you have some doubts, you are still in a time to review this article and change your choice.
You may think that choosing the perfect typography for your brand is quick and easy and it does not matter because it is something that nobody is aware of. Let us say no. The typography has to be a love at first sight. If it does not appeal to us, we may not yet be able to start reading.
A typeface is much more. It is an invitation to approach the text, to want to submerge between words. It is a way to reflect the personality of a brand, as well as its voice and tone. But then, in addition, you have to pamper other aspects such as the size, the spacing between the letters and the distance between the lines (interline).
Do you still believe that it is something superfluous?

We will help you choose the perfect typography for your brand; that you can use in all the corporate material that you print, from cards to flyers or even advertising displays. When designing your logo, you will also have to keep in mind all the options that typography puts at your fingertips and try. It is not an exact science. Test until you find the one that is effective, beautiful and recognizable. Logos like Cocacola or Mercedes-Benz are good examples to inspire you.

Categories: Impresión
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