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  • 4
  • February
  • 2020

Ebart Congress: the future of assisted reproduction

Published by Carles in Impresión, Trabajos realizados

Are you a scientist, doctor and / or expert in Assisted Reproduction and do not know whether to participate in the Ebart Congress? We tell you below what the congress is about.

What is the Ebart Scientific Congress about?


The Ebart Congress is an international congress organized by the Eugin Group in which healthcare professionals can update their skills through presentations. Knowledge is shared during the congress in the field of Assisted Reproduction always using an evidence-based approach.


This 2020 the third edition of the Ebart Congress is held in Barcelona on March 26 and 27. The objective of this event is to bring together experts and professionals from the assisted reproduction sector and discuss current issues from a critical perspective on evidence-based art.


By 2020, it is expected that more than 30 professionals, teachers and specialists in the biology, medicine and assisted reproduction sector will attend to give lectures. 


In 2016, the Ebart Congress was held for the first time and more than 300 professionals from all over the world attended. It was the first time that evidence-based medicine was addressed in treatments and assisted reproduction techniques, as they are currently applied. 


The past EBART congress was attended by more than 400 health professionals from 24 countries. The congress, among other topics, addressed the importance of how Assisted Reproduction Technology professionals have to educate themselves towards an evidence-based approach to medicine without complexes and without any fear. In addition, about the fact that we have to be increasingly aware that education at an early stage of life is the cornerstone in the fight against fertility.

If you are thinking of attending the event and expose your ideas in a clear and personalized way, in Pressing we provide you with everything you need for the stand.

Ebart Congress
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