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How to get an attractive stand for a tradeshow?

Published by Mireia in Impresión
Stand feria

The calendar is not always the same and from time to time, there are opportunities to escape from the routine. Or in other words, to leave the office or your studio and discover ideas, meet professionals, start projects and tell the world what you know how to do. To make the most of these appointments in the different fairs that are organized, you need to take with you the most important thing: your talent and everything related to your business. Discover how to get an attractive stand for a fair and have more visibility from the start.

3 recommendations if you want to get an attractive stand for a fair

1. Place: Having good visibility and lighting conditions are the starting point to start creating your space.

2. Products and services: Think about the days you will be at the fair and decide what you are interested in taking with you. The most successful products are a good idea but you can also take advantage to bring to light the most unknown. Design a strategy so that the client, when coming to your stand, knows more about you and your business. And most importantly, do not saturate the space with too much information because it will cause an uncomfortable visual disorder for others and for you, of course. If you are going to spend a few days there, it is important that you feel comfortable.

3. Your goal. Each fair that is organized has a purpose. That's why you have to think about the context and determine which one is yours. It is also not necessary to go to all the fairs. Study well in which you better fit and get all the benefits possible.

Did you know that designing a specific briefing for this occasion will help you improve your time at the fair?

The design of your stand at the fair is very important. It's not about being around, so from Pressing, we're going to recommend you some tips so you can plan and design your space better.

• Choose the colors that represent your brand. Through them, we can control the emotions of the audience that will visit your stand. Warm colors are synonymous with value and energy. Visually enlarge the spaces and the luminosity multiplies. The clear cold colors increase the sense of modernity and professionalism; They are especially recommended for stands in sectors such as healthcare, cosmetics and medicine. The dark colds colours are much more serious and work very well to nuance small details.

• Even when you have little space, you can decorate your stand and take advantage of every corner with ingenious ideas such as modular structures.

Graphic elements represent a very important role in the communication of your company that you can combine with 2D and 3D elements. Look for those stands that create experiences in which the client can submerge.

• The interactive features in the stands offer an additional attraction to the visitor, since he can explore and discover everything that your brand offers.

• Your message should be clear and visible from all sites, both near and far.

• If your stand offers you the possibility of creating several spaces, think about the functionalities of each of them. In this case, you can combine an open social area with areas for meetings. But remember that it is not a requirement to have a lot of space at your disposal to impact and surprise.

• Speaking of surprise, promotional products and brand gifts are essential on these occasions. Choose the best gift product that, in turn, is relevant to your brand and useful to the consumer. Some presentation folders designed for the occasion or personalized cups to start the mornings with a good coffee are some ideas that the client will use in their day to day and that surely will thank you. If you can think of other gifts, you can store them all in some paper bags created especially for the fair.

• It does not matter how much time they spend at your stand. What matters is that you surprise your visitors. Then comes the most important thing: that they remember you. If you have made a good impression, it will be easy but you can always make sure you deliver your business cards. Do not leave them in the office!

• A roll-up is one of the best resources to decorate your stand. If you decide to design yours at the last minute, in Pressing you can print it quickly and receive it in 24/48 hours to have it ready.

• Did you know that ecological stands are a trend? The commitment for the planet has also reached this sector. At Pressing we also offer to print just the graphic so you can re-use your banner structure over and over again.

But none of this is useful if you forget your clients and the importance of personal, close and professional treatment. Do not leave empathy at home or the usual workplace because it is here where you will most need to stand out.

Your proactive attitude to guide the client since it appears on your stand is fundamental


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