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  • 20
  • November
  • 2018

Black Friday 2018

Published by Mireia in Impresión
Black Friday 2018

For some years now, the calendar has an unmissable date. On November 23, discounts are the main protagonists and with it begins, the Christmas shopping season. If you have a business, surely you want to prepare Black Friday 2018 to surprise your customers. Can we help you?


It is always a day after the tradition of Thanksgiving. Therefore, on this occasion, Black Friday 2018 is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November or, what is the same, on the 23. With the date remarked in our agendas there is not much more to think about. Or yes, because, what are you going to organize in your store or business? Have you prepared some surprises? What discounts are you going to offer?


Only 24 hours that, in the background, hide many more work. The advantage for customers is that they can find those products they want at reduced prices. Before the arrival of Christmas expenses, nobody wants to miss these advantages and, during the previous weeks, it is normal in the sense that we are more interested and that we want to get on Black Friday 2018, if they do not get ahead of us, of course!


They, the customers, track advertisements and offers that are published in the previous days. You, if you have a business, either online or physical, live all the preparations so that everything goes according to plan. And by the way, in some shops, the offers will last all weekend until Cyber Monday, that will be held on Monday 26.


Six tips to prepare the Black Friday 2018



• If you have an online store, check that the operation is correct. Do not leave it for the day before and check that all the processes are prepared for the maelstrom of activity that is coming. One of the most sensitive aspects is the data transfer capacity contracted with your hosting. Avoid surprises!


More orders, more shipments. Surely you want the transactions to increase, but are you prepared to face so much demand? And that means that you must have the right resources to supply it and that all orders arrive on time and at destination, as customers have requested.


A specific campaign. Although Black Friday 2018 is short-lived, there is a way to get the most out of it: designing an original, unique campaign that will surprise customers. But first, create a strategy and answer all those questions that will help you address your goals. What products do you want to promote? Do you want new clients?


• Why not design a Landing Page with your products in promotion or the main message of your campaign? As if the meeting point were all the channels you have, from the landing page you can take traffic to the destinations you want.


A Black Friday 2018 catalog. When you have clear the promotions of this day, you can design a catalog. People still like this format because it is a quick and enjoyable way to receive information. In Pressing we have the most sophisticated machinery to print catalogs and magazines with the best quality in the shortest possible time. So you're still in time to prepare yours, with all kinds of finishes and the best market role, so that the products of your company or brand are differentiated, by their spectacularity, from those of your competition.


Collections of coupons is what many people usually do during these days. And they serve both online platforms and physical stores. In the first case, you can place them on your website and manage them through a code, to increase purchases and conversion. In the second case, you can distribute them days before so that no one is left without yours. Of course, design is always important and should reflect the essence of your brand. One of the combinations you can do is include these discount coupons in small information brochures. As simple as choosing a type of folding, specify the measurements (Din A4, Din A3, Din A5 or others), select the type of paper, indicating if you want printed in black or colored ink and if you prefer plasticized or unplasticized. Thus, the final result will be more complete.


If you have other ideas for your Black Friday 2018 in which you need to print a project, write us to start preparing it. In Pressing we are also prepared to live with you!

Categories: Impresión
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