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A Welcome Pack for employees

Published by Mireia in Impresión
Welcom pack


Customizable and with different final objectives. There are many types but today we focus on the benefits of the Welcome Pack for employees.


They say that the beginnings are not simple, but in Pressing we are not entirely agree. And, in any case, if it were true, we could always find a way to change them and make them more bearable. Maybe that is why we like projects that are named Welcome Pack and in which we, as one of the most quality digital presses in Barcelona, ​​can do our part.

But, before telling you how, do you know what this product consists of? Have you heard about the Welcome Pack for employees?

It is not the same to address a brand as to the media. And it is not the same to tell something to a client than to a member of your own team. Therefore, one of the essential steps before embarking on this project is knowing the purpose. When it comes to a Welcome Pack for employees, what is intended is to define a welcome plan that includes all the necessary and important information for your day to day. A Welcome Pack for employees is a way to welcome and tell you that you are one more in the company. The sooner you have that feeling, the better.

In countries like the United States, it is clear that this is not optional and, therefore, most companies do not miss this opportunity. It is a way to create a strong culture at work and show that principles can also be welcoming.

What is included in a welcome pack for employees?


Traditionally, the content is divided into two parts. The first must be submitted before the moment of formalizing the contract with the chosen candidate. The second, once the contract is signed by both parties.

The first content of a Welcome Pack for employees includes:


  • The legal and ethical information of the company: the objective is that the new worker has all the data at his disposal to know what the culture of the company is like.
  • Ideally, it would be to incorporate an Ethical Code, the Company Policy and the Treatment of personal data.


The second part of the content of a Welcome Pack for employees:


It will be delivered once the employment contract has been signed. Everything is about to start and therefore, is complemented with:


  • Welcome Letter.
  • Document with a brief history in the company.
  • The current structure and organization of this, with an organization chart.
  • Information on occupational risk prevention.
  • Access to email and corporate databases of the company.
  • Doubts and frequently asked questions (FAQ).


And, at this moment, it is advisable to add value through the corporate Merchandising that will surely bring a smile to the new worker.


The folder is the ideal opportunity to gather all this documentation and continue using it in your day to day but, in addition, you can add another detail: from a personalized mug with the company logo, notebooks, diaries or even a business card that can use in their next meetings that insurance, are a success.


The objective of this second content of the welcome pack is to promote a quick and comfortable adaptation of the professionals.


And is that, although the first impression of an employee is formed in the interview, details like this are valued especially.

At Pressing we want to help you create your Welcome Pack for employees. In our catalog, you can choose those products that you will include so that the new incorporation in your company has the feeling that you start one of the best stages of your life.

Categories: Impresión
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